There is supposed to be a Connecticut Warbler here...somewhere! |
I managed a good day today for the species count, with some morning birding and an evening visit to Petsmart and Walmart.
Birding was great this morning, with my best bird being two
Connecticut Warblers calling in the underbrush at the Clinton Wildlife Management Area. While grocery shopping, I checked out the herbal tea section, which I had previously skipped, and found a lot of exotic chinese herb species. Petsmart had a few more reptiles and amphibians, and I didn't have time to check out all the fish and aquatic plants, so I'll be making another trip over there next week. At Walmart, I just had time to skim through the cactus collection, and pulled out quite a haul there.
Cactus collection at Walmart |
My final daily tally was 93 new species, for a total of 628--only 28 behind the pace I need to hit 1000 by the end of the month.
My strategy, such as there is, will be to hit a bunch of nurseries and hopefully some botanical gardens for the bulk of the remaining needed species. I may have to hit some big pet bird stores in the state as well. I can probably get another 20 birds or so with some luck this week, unless I head to the shore--then I could probably pick up some more. Will have to do some additional exploring to see where I might pick up a bunch of additional species without having to go to the Philadelphia Zoo!
Green Tree Frog |
Hyla cinerea |
19-Sep-13 |
Petsmart, Flemington,NJ |
Cranwell's Horned Frog |
Ceratophrys cranwelli |
19-Sep-13 |
Petsmart, Flemington,NJ |
Pickerel Frog |
Rana palustris |
19-Sep-13 |
Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ |
Blackpoll Warbler |
Setophaga striata |
19-Sep-13 |
Home, Hunterdon, NJ |
Broad-winged Hawk |
Buteo platypterus |
19-Sep-13 |
Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ |
Connecticut Warbler |
Oporornis agilis |
19-Sep-13 |
Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ |
Nashville Warbler |
Oreothlypis ruficapilla |
19-Sep-13 |
Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ |
Northern Parula |
Setophaga americana |
19-Sep-13 |
Home, Hunterdon, NJ |
Sharp-shinned Hawk |
Accipiter striatus |
19-Sep-13 |
Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ |
Society Finch |
Lonchura striata |
19-Sep-13 |
Petsmart, Flemington,NJ |
Tennessee Warbler |
Oreothlypis peregrina |
19-Sep-13 |
Home, Hunterdon, NJ |
White-eyed Vireo |
Vireo griseus |
19-Sep-13 |
Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ |
Zebra Finch |
Taeniopygia guttata |
19-Sep-13 |
Petsmart, Flemington,NJ |
Red-clawed Crab |
Perisesarma bidens |
19-Sep-13 |
Petsmart, Flemington,NJ |
Scale Insect (Carmine) |
Dactylopius coccus |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Monarch Butterfly |
Danaus plexippus |
19-Sep-13 |
Spruce Run, Hunterdon, NJ |
Chinese Hamster |
Cricetulus griseus |
19-Sep-13 |
Petsmart, Flemington,NJ |
Djungarian Hamster |
Phodopus sungorus |
19-Sep-13 |
Petsmart, Flemington,NJ |
Roborovski Hamster |
Phodopus roborovskii |
19-Sep-13 |
Petsmart, Flemington,NJ |
Adromischus cristatus |
Adromischus cristatus |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Aloe Zanzibarica |
Aloe juvenna |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Alstroemeria |
Alstroemeria sp. |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Anemarrhena rhizome |
Anemarrhena asphodeloides |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Autumn-Olive |
Elaeagnus umbellata |
19-Sep-13 |
Spruce Run, Hunterdon, NJ |
Baby's Breath |
Gypsophila paniculata |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Balloon Flower |
Platycodon grandiflorus |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Beleric Myrobalan |
Terminalia bellirica |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Blessed Thistle |
Cnicus benedictu |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Blue Candle Cactus |
Pilosocereus azureus |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Blue Gum |
Eucalyptus globulus |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Bull Thistle |
Cirsium vulgare |
19-Sep-13 |
Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ |
Bunny-ears Cactus |
Opuntia microdasys |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Caper Bush |
Capparis spinosa |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Carnation |
Dianthus caryophyllus |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Myrobalan |
Terminalia chebula |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Chin Cactus |
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii, |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Cobweb Houseleek |
Sempervivum arachnoideum |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Common Chicory |
Cichorium intybus |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Common Climbing Aloe |
Aloe ciliaris |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Cotyledon macrantha |
macrantha |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Crassula |
Crassula mesembryanthemoides |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Cryptanthus |
Cryptanthus marginatus |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Drooping Prickly Pear |
Opuntia monacantha |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Dwarf Jade Plant |
Portulacaria afra |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Echeveria |
Echeveria runyonii |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Echeveria |
Echeveria x mazarine |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Echeveria |
Echeveria peacockii |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Echeveria |
Echeveria x chroma |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Echeveria Cactus |
Echeveria runyonii |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Echeveria Cactus |
Echeveria harmsii |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Echeveria Dondo |
Echeveria x derenbergii |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Echinacea |
Echinacea angostifolia |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Fenugreek |
Trigonella foenum-graecum |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Forsythia |
Forsythia suspensa |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Garden Angelica |
Angelica archangelica |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Giant Ragweed |
Ambrosia trifida |
19-Sep-13 |
Spruce Run, Hunterdon, NJ |
Goji/Wolfberry |
Lycium barbarum |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Golden Sedum |
Sedum adolphii |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Golden-toothed Aloe |
Aloe noblis |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Indian Fig Opuntia/Prickly
Pear |
Opuntia ficus-indica |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Indian Gooseberry |
Phyllanthus emblica |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Indian Sarsparilla |
Hemidesmus indicus |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Japanese Stiltgrass |
Microstegium vimineum |
19-Sep-13 |
Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ |
Jing Jie |
Schizonepeta tenuifolia |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi |
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Kombu |
Saccharina japonica |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Lemon Myrtle |
Backhousia citriodora |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Licorice |
Glycyrrhiza glabra |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Mammillaria |
Mammillaria celsiana |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Marshmallow |
Althaea officinalis |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Money Tree |
Crassula ovata |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Omija |
Schisandra chinensis |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Opuntia Prickly Pear |
Opuntia subulata |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Parodia |
Parodia mammulosa |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Pork and Beans |
Sedum rubrotinctum |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Red-button Opuntia |
Opuntia quitensis |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Rooibos |
Aspalathus linearis |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Safari Conebush |
Leucadendron laureolum x L. salignum |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
nussbaumerianum |
Sedum nussbaumerianum |
19-Sep-13 |
Walmart, Flemington, NJ |
Shiso |
Perilla frutescens |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Skullcap |
Scutellaria lateriflora |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Spearmint |
Mentha spicata |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Sprenger's Magnolia |
Magnolia sprengeri |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Star Anise |
Illicium verum |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Stevia |
Stevia rebaudiana |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Tillandsia |
Tillandsia sp. |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Yerba Mate |
Ilex paraguariensis |
19-Sep-13 |
Shoprite, Clinton, NJ |
Brown Anole |
Anolis sagrei |
19-Sep-13 |
Petsmart, Flemington,NJ |
Central Bearded Dragon |
Pogona vitticep |
19-Sep-13 |
Petsmart, Flemington,NJ |
Chinese Water Dragon |
Physignathus cocincinus |
19-Sep-13 |
Petsmart, Flemington,NJ |
Eastern Kingsnake |
Lampropeltis getula |
19-Sep-13 |
Petsmart, Flemington,NJ |
Long-tailed Grass Lizard |
Takydromus sexlineatus |
19-Sep-13 |
Petsmart, Flemington,NJ |
Veiled Chameleon |
Chamaeleo calyptratus |
19-Sep-13 |
Petsmart, Flemington,NJ |