Stopped by Peace Valley on the way to work this morning and picked up 38 species at the bird blind and trails around the nature center. Lots of birds still singing, including Yellow Warbler, Red-eyed Vireo, Indigo Bunting, and House Wren. Baby birds on their own included Carolina Chickadee, Northern Cardinal, and a short-tailed fledgling Gray Catbird begging and being fed by a parent.
Four male Brown-headed Cowbirds were displaying on the ground near the bird feeders at the bird blind--rushing towards each other with wings extended and drooped down, making a liquid sounding "gurgle-oo" call.
Very few water birds on the lake--two Green Herons hunting near the bridge, three Great Blue Herons (including one juvenile bird), eight mostly young Double-crested Cormorants, two female Mallard with young, and a single male Common Merganser.
The Path to 600
15 hours ago
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