Can you find the rare goose in this shot? Me neither!

Fortunately I was on my computer this afternoon at 2:30 when word went out about a
Pink-footed Goose found by August Mirabella at
Pine Run Reservoir, one of my old stomping grounds an hour away over in Bucks County, PA. Dashing to the car I was there by 3:30, where I met August and Ron French, who had the bird in the scope. Over the next hour up to a dozen birders rushed over to see the bird, which spent the whole time floating out in the middle of the small reservoir with over 800 Canada Geese. Having
chased and missed this rare European goose several times over the years, it was great to finally see one in North America!
At over 100 yards distance in the fading light, I was lucky to get these poor shots through my scope. Just happy to have been there!
I won't inflict you with the shaky and blurry video shot through my scope, though it was nice to see the bird flap a couple of times and do some bill dipping.
More photos from others:
August Mirabella's photos