An afternoon scouting trip and another evening trip that I led to the south shore of the Great Salt Lake netted some fun birds including a spectacular look at an adult Golden Eagle less than 30 feet away on a pole, a baby American Avocet, and a quick look at a Sora as it scurried into the marsh.
As usual, my trip participants were taken by the Snowy Plovers running around out on the otherwise barren alkali flats. The starkness of such a cute little bird running around such an apparently inhospitable place seems to grab people. We saw half a dozen of these guys, including a couple chicks that are almost in full juvenile plumage (but not quite yet).
On a logistic note, after three trips to the airport, this afternoon I was finally able to get the full-sized passenger van I had reserved. Glad to not have to worry about that anymore. Now to just figure out where to park it in the tiny parking spaces around here. Also, our birding excursions are being sponsored by Swarovski and Filson, and its nice to be able to have folks see birds through some of the very best binoculars available! As for my modeling of the latest Filson shirts--I'm not exactly material. But its great to be birding in style!
Life is good. More birding tomorrow.
The Path to 600
16 hours ago
1 comment:
Hey Rob, we almost ran over a four foot gray heron today. Just wanted to let you know.
We were driving home from church and as we drove through the shady woods, Clarissa said, "Slow down." Neither David nor I could see the thin gray bird on the gray day against the gray road, but David was able to slow down and let the bird slowly walk off the road. Deer we can see. Squirrels we can see. But we weren't looking for a chicken on stilts (direct quote from David).
Hope you have a nice conference.
--The Bird Dodgers in Harleysville, PA
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