I'm a sucker for animal biographies. As a kid I loved Ernest Thompson Seton's Wild Animals I Have Known and still remember finding Fred Bodsworth's Last of the Curlews in junior high school. A while ago I was asked to be a reader for the manuscript of The Seasons of the Robin, the latest addition to this genre by Don Grussing. It tells the story of a robin as it migrates south, overwinters, and heads north to breed. The book is now out, and if you've ever wondered what it is like to be a bird, The Seasons of the Robin provides a well-written and informative insight into the life of one bird and its incredible life.
Do you know John Janovy's Yellowlegs? It's been years, decades, since I read it, and I vaguely recall a bit of overwriting here and there, but all in all well worth the reading.
It's a children's book but the one I love most for the story (about a real place in Maryland that is threatened by development) and for the incredible artwork is Flute's Journey by Lynne Cherry.
Will have to check out this book..
gee i missed allot of your post when i was sans internet..
was without if for over two weeks...thank goodness I have internet now.
U might want to add a tweetmeme button to your blog and the global worming one as well..easier to tweet u with.
send me posts u want me to tweet on twitter via @DawnFine..
see u in cyberspace!
Nigel Hinton's Heart of the Valley is also wonderful.
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