Woke up to ice and a two hour school delay. By 10:30 it was just rainy and cold. Not the kind of day you usually want to spend a lot of time out birding. I headed over to Peace Valley Park and scoped out the lake and spent 15 minutes in the bird blind in order to get my minimum recommended daily allowance of birds. Nothing surprising, but nice to do some feeder watching to continue my recovery from the ill-fated Slaty-backed chase. Lots of White-throated Sparrows around the feeders, a pair of Hooded Mergansers were on the lake. My happiest moment was hearing three Cedar Waxwings high in a tree. Their calls are so high-pitched that they are one of the first birds you can't hear when you start losing your hearing. I've had several times in the past year when I've seen them without hearing them very well--making me wonder if they had just been silent, or if I was starting to lose my hearing. Today I heard them clear as can be. Hopefully I'm not losing my hearing yet!
Day List: 29 species (145% of Bird RDA)
2008 List: 211 species
BIGBY List: 46 species
Balearic Butterflies: a surprise encounter
14 hours ago
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