The reason we do the Great Backyard Bird Count in February is that most birds stay pretty much put this late in the winter. That makes it a stable time to do a winter bird count, but also means that with very little migration going on, things can be kind of slow.
I haven't seen anything really unusual the last few days. Highlight may have been a Fish Crow on my morning walk on Saturday, bringing my 2008 BIGBY list up to 50 species. Other fun birds that have been around include the lingering female Eastern Towhee under my feeders at work, and Hooded Mergansers at Peace Valley. Like I said, nothing too unusual!
At least I've been getting my minimum recommended daily allowance of birds every day.
Feb 11 Day List: 31 species (155% of Bird RDA)
Feb 12 Day List: 22 species (110% of Bird RDA)
Feb 10 Day List: 29 species (145% of Bird RDA)
Feb 9 Day List: 24 species (120% of Bird RDA)
2008 Year List: 221 species
2008 BIGBY List: 50 species
Balearic Butterflies: a surprise encounter
14 hours ago
Hi -- this is a little off the subject -- but I am wondering whether you can give me some leads on identifying a bird I saw in my front yard this morning. We live in a rural area in Butler County, PA. The bird is slightly smaller than a Blue Jay, dark brown and glossy with lighter grown or gold tipping at its wing and tail feathers, the same color of light brown is dappled on its back and belly. It's head is dark brown with black eyes and a medium length thin black beak. It is eating suet, occassionally from upside down. It was the only one of it's kind at our feeder in a crowd of Blue Jays and Cardinals. Any suggestions of images we could look up on the internet? It didn't show up in our basic birding book. We live in a valley with trees, some open fields, and a small pond adjacent to the feeder.
How does it compare to a European Starling? That's what it sounds like to me on first pass.
That's it! I Googled European Starling and that's it exactly! You're really good! Thanks!
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