The 10th Great Backyard Bird Count is rolling along nicely. As of 9pm EST this evening, birders had submitted 17,210 checklists and reported over 500 bird species--up over 50% from the number of submissions last year at this time in the count.
New York leads the pack with numbers of checklists submitted (1115), followed by Georgia (987), and North Carolina (961). Cities reporting the most birds are Charlotte, NC (133), Durham, NC (100), and Tallahassee, FL (98).
There are still over 100 species reported last year that haven't been reported yet this year. You can see which species are still missing by looking through the species list here. Species with an asterisk have been reported this year. Birds without an asterisk (sort of like Plain-bellied Sneetches) are still missing from the count. If you've seen one of these missing birds this weekend, make sure to report it. Or if you know where one of these missing birds is, head out and see it tomorrow or Monday, then report it!
Whatever you do, please report any and all birds seen each day this Friday-Monday to
Species Spotlight: Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus
5 hours ago
It looks like someone needs to do a pelagic count.
Is there a provision for reporting incidental observations, such as a pre-dawn Woodcock heard calling, or a Bobwhite flushed while closing up the chickens for the night?
You can always submit one checklist per day from your location, including these incidental sightings. Or if you have already submitted a thorough count, you can submit a second checklist just for the incidental sighting--just mark that you are not reporting all the birds that you saw, since you would have already reported the other species. Hope this helps!
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